

Inspiring learning through technology

[RE]Learning is partnership between Recompute and The Purple Future Trust.

Together we believe all school children should learn digital skills to reach their full potential in a digital world. [RE]Learning is committed to helping build a sustainable, connected future by supporting learning through technology in our schools and communities.

What’s in a [RE]Learning Pack?

Every [RE]Learning pack consists of e-learning resources and equipments for teachers. Each pack is carefully designed in collaboration with leading experts to provide all the tools required to deliver e-learning classes and workshops.

  1. E-learning resources for teachers and students
  2. Educational training courses and workshops
  3. Discounted computer equipment for schools

Every pack gives back

We believe every business has a responsibility to the communities where its employees and customers live and work. That’s why for every learning pack sold [RE]Learning will donate 5% of the proceeds to supporting learning in our communities.



Robotics 101

Roughly 80% of the jobs created in the next decade will require skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).  Teach young enquiring minds about the exciting world of engineering with Robotics 101, practical lessons on the art of work and play based on the Purple Early Engineering Kit (PEEK).

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The Art of Storytelling 

The stories we hear as children shape our view of the world. Storytelling is a great way to improve children’s oral fluency and ability to understand the complex concepts that underpin cultural values, unfamiliar situations and universal life experiences. With this learning pack, students develop their own storytelling abilities with author Ignatius Mabasa.

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Introduction To Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

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